The Blog

Your source for North Georgia Wedding Planning Tips

9 Benefits of a Beautiful North Georgia WEdding Venue

Are you considering a North Georgia Wedding Venue?  We've got our top 9 reasons a North Georgia Wedding Venue is an amazing choice for your big day!

Design A Beautiful Stress Free North Georgia Wedding

Couple at all-inclusive wedding venue in North Georgia

I know, you are doubting that a stress-free wedding is even possible.  Stress-free might be over-promising – let’s just say “low stress” or “lower than your cousin’s crazy wedding stress”. Our all-inclusive wedding venue was designed to help you enjoy a beautiful, stress-free wedding.  But, our tips will work for you no matter what type […]

If you are from the South (or have been around any of us Southerners for long) you know we love our traditions, and weddings are no exception! We’ve rounded up some of our favorites for you to look through.  Whether you choose to include some of them in your wedding or not, we promise to […]

Southern Wedding Traditions

What Happens at a Venue Tour?

You’re engaged – congrats!  💍 And now you get to start dreaming and planning your wedding.  Scrolling through photos of venues.  Checking out their websites, Instagram, Facebook and more. Now you have pricing, emails from a few different venues, blog posts to read and everyone is asking if you would like to schedule a Venue […]

 You’re engaged – congratulations! Are you hoping for a short(er) engagement?  Are family and friends telling you it “can’t be done” in 8, 6, 3 months? Good news is – it can be done!  And not just with a courthouse elopement. You can have a beautiful wedding with the people you care most about AND […]

Planning a Wedding in 6 Months (or less)

Planning Your Wedding – 6 Months Out

At 6 months out, things start to come together quickly.  You’ll have several final orders to place, final decisions to make on food, design, etc.  We’ve got them all listed for you below! 📝 All the dresses  Once you’ve found that perfect dress, get it ordered!  You’ll need time for it to come in, get […]