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9 Benefits of a Beautiful North Georgia WEdding Venue

Are you considering a North Georgia Wedding Venue?  We've got our top 9 reasons a North Georgia Wedding Venue is an amazing choice for your big day!

Venue Question 5 – Can I have my ceremony here?

Having your ceremony and reception in the same place can save on your budget and is definitely easier on your guests.  Make sure you ask the venue if there is a space for the ceremony.  Also, if you are looking at an outdoor venue, ask about the rain plan. Is the ceremony location easy to […]

Before you fall in love with a venue, make sure it will fit all your guests! Every venue has maximum capacity and some may have a minimum for prime dates.  You want to make sure you aren’t planning on too many guests or too few.  If a venue fits up to 400 and you are […]

Venue Question 4 – What is the capacity?

Venue Question 3 – Does the location work?

If you live in or near Atlanta, GA you know the metro-Atlanta area is huge! The great thing is the list of venue locations gives you plenty of choices. Do you want in-town, fields and farmland, mountains or historic? If you are looking for space and views, you will probably travel outside of the city […]

You know your date is available – yay! Now you need to know if it fits in your budget. There are many factors that affect the cost, and every venue does things a little differently. You want to ask for ALL associated costs. Are there food or beverage minimums? Is tax included or added on? […]

Venue Question 2 – How much does it all cost?

Venue Question 1 – Do you have my date?

Searching for a wedding venue can be overwhelming. Thankfully you can find lists of questions to ask your venue on many blogs and wedding planning sites. We’ve chosen a few to answer for you before you come for a tour so you can start to envision your gorgeous wedding here! One of the first questions […]

OK, be honest, how many times since you got engaged has someone asked you “what are your colors?”  We can’t help it – we all love a good wedding color scheme.  It’s why Pinterest, Instagram and all the wedding inspiration websites log so many hours from brides. Thankfully, those are great places to get inspiration […]

3 Ways to Easily Create a Wedding Color Scheme

Create a custom wedding color scheme