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Your source for North Georgia Wedding Planning Tips

9 Benefits of a Beautiful North Georgia WEdding Venue

Are you considering a North Georgia Wedding Venue?  We've got our top 9 reasons a North Georgia Wedding Venue is an amazing choice for your big day!

Venue Question 4 – What is the capacity?

Before you fall in love with a venue, make sure it will fit all your guests! Every venue has maximum capacity and some may have a minimum for prime dates.  You want to make sure you aren’t planning on too many guests or too few.  If a venue fits up to 400 and you are […]

If you live in or near Atlanta, GA you know the metro-Atlanta area is huge! The great thing is the list of venue locations gives you plenty of choices. Do you want in-town, fields and farmland, mountains or historic? If you are looking for space and views, you will probably travel outside of the city […]

Venue Question 3 – Does the location work?

The Language of Flowers

Spring wedding flowers in North Georgia

Photo Camille Wilson Photography Flowers are one of the most beautiful parts of a wedding.  They incorporate the bride’s colors and style, but did you know different flowers have different meanings?   Chrysanthemum These are beautiful additions to Fall bouquets and symbolize fidelity, optimism, long life and joy. Daisy This cheerful little bloom is gorgeous in […]

I know, you are doubting that a stress-free wedding is even possible.  Stress-free might be over-promising – let’s just say “low stress” or “lower than your cousin’s crazy wedding stress”. Our all-inclusive wedding venue was designed to help you enjoy a beautiful, stress-free wedding.  But, our tips will work for you no matter what type […]

Design A Beautiful Stress Free North Georgia Wedding

Couple at all-inclusive wedding venue in North Georgia

Ashley and Nick Wedding | Georgia Barn Wedding Venue

September wedding at georgia barn wedding venue

The first time Ashley and Nick planned to tour their barn wedding venue, they were stopped by a snow storm! A few days later, the snow had melted and they made the tour to book their date. Winter weather is an interesting part of searching for wedding venues in Georgia! Thankfully, there was no snow […]

A​ summer evening on the square, a single musician playing in the gazebo, couples strolling the streets and families playing games on the square. Is it a scene from Gilmore Girls?  ​Nope, this describes a recent summer evening we spent in downtown Canton, Ga.  The string lights in the trees lining the streets were just […]

Dreaming of a town like Stars Hollow?  You’ve got to visit Canton, Ga!